December 2024 Newsletter Eye Health Aotearoa

Welcome to our December Newsletter!

Kiwiana branding in letterbox size

Children’s Eye Health Campaign

The Children’s Eye Health Campaign (CEHC) is all wrapped up! 

It was a fun campaign. We achieved our aim of sharing important messages about how children can take better care of their eyes, and we reached a much wider audience than anticipated. Feedback received was positive and the children appeared to retain the key messages.

The CECH resources were:

  • seen on social media channels over 280,000 times
  • shared globally by our partners
  • shared with over 200 schools, community groups and eye health professionals.

Have a look at New Zealand Optics' before and after campaign articles.

Pakuranga Intermediate Art Competition Prize winner posing with certificate

Pakuranga Intermediate Sensory Art Competition Prize Winner.

Glenfield Intermediate school – Newsletter post in 'notice board' style including "A Huge Thanks" to EHA

Glenfield Intermediate School newsletter excerpt featuring "A Huge Thanks" to Eye Health Aotearoa.

Polynesian-style artwork from Waimahia Intermediate School

Waimahia Intermediate School artwork using patterns to represent emotions from Māori and Pacific stories. The creative process incorporated the sense of touch, through texture, and the sense of hearing, through storytelling. Throughout the exercise, student awareness developed around how people with vision difficulties engage with art and life.

Thank you to the Potter Masonic Trust, One Foundation and Specsavers for their support. And to all the children, schools and organisations who participated.

Planning for the 2025 Eye Health Awareness Campaign is currently underway.

Parliamentary Friends of Eye Health

We are pleased to announce that the Parliamentary Friends of Eye Health (PFEH) Co-chairs have been appointed. They are Hon Dr Ayesha Verrall MP, Labour Party Spokesperson for Health, and Sam Uffindell MP, Chair of the Health Select Committee.

Eye Health Aotearoa would like to thank them for their support this year and looks forward to working with the Co-chairs in 2025 to champion eye health and improve patient outcomes to save New Zealanders' sight.

The PFEH plays an important role in building relationships within government and championing the importance of eye health.

Eye Checks

It is important to get our eyes checked regularly.

Make an appointment today with your local optometrist.

Supporting Organisations

Eye Health Aotearoa has worked closely with the International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness and the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists this year, addressing shared goals.

We would like to thank them and all our supporting organisations.

Enjoy your summer and remember to wear your sunglasses!

Image of a dachshund dog lying on the beach wearing sunglasses.

We would love your support!  If you have not already signed up to keep in touch, please do so and help promote optimal eye health care for all New Zealanders.


Ngā mihi o te Kirihimete me te Tau Hou

Season's greetings for Christmas and the New Year

The Eye Health Aotearoa Team

Eye Health Aotearoa logo with fern + eye graphics

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  • David Cullen
    published this page in News 2024-12-13 14:53:53 +1300