Happy World Sight Day 2024 childrens artwork photos backup

[This is a backup page in case we want to use these images as well]


Check out these wonderful artworks created by school students as part of the Children's Eye Health Campaign:

Several paintings on a table including a red ladybug with black polka dots - Pakuranga art 1Colourful eye paintings and a collection of shell and clay mobiles - Glenfield24-5Wire sculptures on a table in the shapes of whales and dolphins - Pakuranga art 2Weave display with flowers and poi - Pakuranga art 6Display with NZ flag, text and Braille spelling New Zealand & Sri Lanka - Pakuranga art 3 crop3D model of One Tree Hill Volcanic Cones - Pakuranga art 7Parnell Library children painting flowersClay mobile with moon and star shapes - Glenfield24-8Tactile NZ Flag, \Colourful tactile ship - Pakuranga art 4

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