Love Your Eyes Pledge - Old Signup

Love Your Eyes Pledge - Old Signup

Love Your Eyes 2021 logo hard crop left

To raise awareness of the importance of eye health the international Love Your Eyes campaign is aiming to have one million eye tests completed around the world between 15 September and 14 October 2021.  For this campaign an eye test includes all vision tests and eye health tests, whether they use specific equipment or not.

In New Zealand, Eye Health Aotearoa is supporting the Love Your Eyes campaign and we are asking for your help.  Please pledge your personal eye test, or, if you are an eye health professional, the eye tests that you are completing during this time.  Help us raise eye health awareness.  Let’s tell everyone why it is important to #LoveYourEyes and why EVERYONE COUNTS.

Love Your Eyes Pledge

NZ Eye Test Pledge Counter: 03

Commit to Love Your Eyes by pledging to have an eye test, below.

If you would like help locating an eye health specialist click here to find an:

Optometrist or Ophthalmologist 

(Please note, if you are not currently under the care of an Ophthalmologist we advise you first see an Optometrist for your eye test).


Find out about our World Sight Day celebration event at Lands’ End, Bluff on 14 October and how you can be involved [*link*]. The campaign’s southernmost eyesight-testing site in the world.

Learn more about international World Sight Day 2021 and the Love Your Eyes campaign.

Yes! I pledge to have an eye test on or before World Sight Day, Thursday 14 October 2021: