September 2024 Newsletter - Eye Health Aotearoa

We are thrilled to bring you Eye Health Aotearoa’s refreshed newsletter for 2024!

There has been a lot on the go, which we would love to share with you.

Kiwiana branding in letterbox size

Check Out Our New Website

We have launched a new Eye Health Aotearoa website! The new website has a fresh new look and additional functionality, as well as information on upcoming events, profiles of our Trustees, and new resources.

Check out the new website and sign up to keep up to date with Eye Health Aotearoa.

Children’s Eye Health Campaign

New Zealand’s first Children’s Eye Health Campaign launches on Monday 2 September! The focus of the campaign is on short-sightedness (myopia), with key messaging about behavioural changes children can make to reduce their risk.

Good vision is crucial to a child’s ability to participate in and benefit from educational and life experiences. The visual system processes approximately 80% of what a child learns. Protecting and improving the vision of school-aged children supports education, leading to better health and productivity in adulthood (ref. IAPB and WHO toolkits). Improving eye health outcomes for tamariki in Aotearoa New Zealand will continue to have a positive effect on eye health trends for years to come.

The Children’s Eye Health Campaign is being run throughout Aotearoa New Zealand’s Intermediate schools.

You can download resources for the campaign from the Eye Health Aotearoa website. The 'Be Eye Smart' posters are available in English, Māori, Samoan and Mandarin. Please share our engaging campaign video far and wide.

Children's Eye Health Campaign poster ft. boy and girl with eyechart

In support of the campaign, three schools in Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland will be participating in a Sensory Art Competition! Keep an eye out for their creations on our Facebook and Instagram.

Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter/X and LinkedIn to get all our updates throughout September and October, and share our message to help prevent myopia in our tamariki!

Parliamentary Friends of Eye Health Event

Finally, we have a Parliamentary Friends of Eye Health event coming up on Tuesday 15 October in Wellington. This will be a great opportunity for the New Zealand eye health sector to build cross-party relationships and to promote the importance of eye health to Government representatives. Specsavers will be providing partial vision testing during the day.

If you have any questions or would like to know how you can support Eye Health Aotearoa further, please get in touch at [email protected]

We look forward to hearing from you!

Ngā mihi

The Eye Health Aotearoa Team

Eye Health Aotearoa logo with fern + eye graphics

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  • David Cullen
    published this page in News 2024-10-31 14:23:04 +1300