Message to Supporters of Eye Health Aotearoa

To all our supporters,

We were blown away by the response at the Parliamentary Friends of Eye Health forum held on 19 February.

Eye Health Aotearoa trustees at launch event including Prof Dakin & Sue Emirali.jpg

Thanks for showing your support to the Eye Health Aotearoa Trust.

Since we launched ‘The Eyes Have It’, our seven point plan, the world has experienced extraordinary times. People with vision loss in New Zealand faced extra barriers to access services during the pandemic.

If people access the right treatment at the right time, they can either have more time to adapt to vision loss, or carry on with their lives. But each year, more people are going blind and losing their vision due to lags in accessing treatments.

Investing in eye health education, awareness, treatment and rehabilitation will ensure people know how to take care of their eyes at every stage of life and reduce the costs of vision loss.

We call on all parliamentary parties to make eye health count in their 2020 pre-election health policies by committing to ouseven point plan.

Every day that goes by without a comprehensive eye health and rehabilitation plan means the lives of too many New Zealanders are devastated by avoidable vision loss.

We’re delighted to share our newly launched website with you. Join us and tell your local MP it's time to take a fresh look at eye health in Aotearoa New Zealand.

We’re asking for the help of supporters to make sure our message is heard. There are many ways to contribute to our movement and we recognise that not everyone is in a position to make a financial contribution. However, if you are able, please consider making a donation to our campaign fund today.

Nga mihi

Prof Steven Dakin, Eye Health Aotearoa Chair and Sue Emirali, Deputy-Chair

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