Tactile Art Competition Winners - Love Your Eyes 2022

The Love Your Eyes 2022 Tactile Art Competition winners were announced at the Copthorne Hotel Wellington Oriental Bay on Wednesday 12 October. The annual Love Your Eyes campaign aims to raise awareness about eye health care in Aotearoa New Zealand, so that more people will get their eyes checked regularly and to encourage the Government to make eye health care a priority.

The winners of the Love Your Eyes 2022 Tactile Art Competition are:

Yuri Liu from Auckland - National Awards Community Competition

'The Unknown' by Yuri Liu. Silver chrome board with tactile ripples, like planet orbits.

The artist Yuri Liu has named this ‘The Unknown’. Yuri states,

"It’s hard to get your sight back once you are blind. It would look like space without planets. Look after your eyes. This is meant to represent what you might see when you are blind, because if you close your eyes when the sun is out you can sort of sense/see the light through your eyelids. Materials I used are foil, glue, cardboard and a hot glue gun.”


Karley Parker from Dunedin - Individual Artist Awards & People’s Choice Award

Karley Parker’s papier-mâché tree with leaves, birds, and children playing on a swing.

“The tree displayed signifies friendship and connection in unlikely places. When reaching out felt almost impossible. A paradigm shift just around the corner. We learn, connect and play.”

The focus of this year's Love Your Eyes Tactile Art Competition has been a petition which asks the Government to fund the first-ever National Eye Health Survey in Aotearoa New Zealand, to provide truly representative and current New Zealand population-based data on the prevalence and causes of vision loss.

Eye Health Aotearoa wishes to acknowledge the support of our Competition Partners and our wonderful judges.


Sign the National Eye Health Survey Petition

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