National Eye Health Survey to Parliament’s front door!

On 29 September 2022, Eye Health Aotearoa took the petition for a National Eye Health Survey right to Parliament’s front door!

EHA representatives and NZ politicians with framed petition standing next to Eye Health Aotearoa banner.

We were thrilled to spend some time with Minister of Health Hon Andrew Little, Toni Severin MP, Simon Court MP and Dr Anae Neru Leavasa MP.

Eye Health Aotearoa representatives, two guide dogs, NZ politicians, with EHA banner.

EHA Deputy Chair Sue Emirali spoke passionately about the need for the survey and shared her personal story, before EHA Chair John Mulka handed the petition over to Dr Liz Craig MP, and Dr Elizabeth Kerekere MP, Co-chairs of the Parliamentary Friends of Eye Health.


We want the petition to highlight to the Government how important it is for Aotearoa New Zealand to get the data, and prevent avoidable sight loss.

IMAGE: Wooden framed petition text. Eye Health Aotearoa logo and contact details. TEXT: Petition of Eye Health Aotearoa: Fund the Aotearoa New Zealand Eye Health Survey. Petition Request - that the House Representatives recommend that the Government fund the ever Aotearoa New Zealand Eye Health Survey. Petition Reason - Some New Zealanders go blind from preventable causes. 180,000 Kiwis are blind, deafblind or have low vision, and we expect those numbers increase to 225,000 by 2028. We believe 75% blindness and low vision is avoidable. The survey will provide data to  determine gaps eye health services how they can be addressed. The Survey findings should be to used develop and implement New Zealand's people-centred eye care plan to reduce avoidable blindness and reduce eye health inequity.

There’s still time for you to sign our petition before it’s considered by the Health Select Committee.

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